

October 06,2011
The Economics & Statistics Office (ESO) will be conducting the annual Labour Force Survey starting Sunday October 9, 2011. READ MORE
August 21,2011
The Cayman Islands’ System of National Accounts Report 2011 which presents the economic performance of various sectors contributing to the country’s GDP READ MORE
August 21,2011
The Cayman Islands’ Balance of Payments (Current Account) Report 2011 which presents the balances of payments READ MORE
August 21,2011
The Hon. Premier and Minister of Finance Mr. McKeeva Bush is pleased to note that the Government’s education, health and social services expanded in 2011 READ MORE
August 05,2011
Recent upsurges in charges for gas and electricity have pushed the general price level in the Cayman Islands as measured by the Consumer Price Index READ MORE
July 29,2011
The Cayman Islands’ economy recorded real growth in the first quarter of the 2011 calendar year. READ MORE
July 15,2011
The 2010 calendar year saw an improvement in the country’s balance of trade (exports minus imports) with the rest of the world. READ MORE
July 06,2011
The Hon Premier and Minister for Finance, Tourism & Development welcomed the latest comprehensive report on the economy READ MORE
July 06,2011
The Hon Premier and Minister for Finance, Tourism & Development welcomes the release of the Cayman Islands’ Compendium of Statistics 2010 READ MORE
July 05,2011
The Economics and Statistics Office is now located at the new Government Administration Building. READ MORE