
Survey of living Conditions and Household Budget Survey Currently Underway

"The SLC and HBS started on the week of January 29, 2007."

Survey of Living Conditions & Household Budget Survey

The SLC and HBS started on the week of January 29, 2007. Approximately 37 trained enumerators were given a total of approximately 350 randomly selected addresses of households to interview.

A total of 1900 household addresses are expected to be covered for the surveys through the last week of April 2007.

Meanwhile, the ESO will continue to train new batches of enumerators. Interested parties may call Yvonne Newland at 244-16-15.

The SLC is the first-ever survey of its kind to be implemented in the Cayman Islands. A key part of the National Assessment of Living Conditions (NALC) project, it aims to interview adult household members regarding their housing, health, educational, employment or unemployment conditions, social and safety issues. These questions are expected to clarify why some households live below or above the poverty line. The factors should be able to help the Government know what issues need to be addressed in reducing poverty in the Cayman Islands.

The HBS aims to gather data on household expenditures and income data based on questionnaires and diaries of expenses. These shall be used to estimate how many households in the Cayman Islands live below the poverty line. (The poverty line will be measured by consultants based on the actual cost of living in the Cayman Islands).

All data to be gathered will be handled confidentially and all interviewers will be asked to take an oath or affirmation of confidentiality.

In making the NALC report, the National Assessment Team will not have access to any household-specific data from the SLC/HBS and will make use only of data processed from all households.

Households are allowed to finish their questionnaires within 2 weeks. However, they can also finish within 1 day if they so desire. Diaries will have to be completed in 2 weeks. Enumerators will be trained to assist household members to complete their questionnaires.

All enumerators have been trained intensively last January 23-27, 2007 prior to the actual conduct of interviews that started last January 29.

Households will be given a token of appreciation amounting to $25 per spending adult; these shall be given upon completion of the SLC/HBS questionnaire/s and diaries.