Estimated Gross Domestic Product:

+4.0%, Jan - Sept 2023 / Jan - Sept 2022

Gross Domestic Product Actual:

+5.2%, Dec 2022

Average Consumer Price Index (CPI):

+3.8%, Jan - Dec 2023 / Jan - Dec 2022

Quartely Consumer Price Index (CPI):

+1.5 Jan - Mar 2024 / Jan - Mar 2023

Census Population:

71,105, as of Oct 2021

2023 Life Expectancy at birth:


2023 Life Expectancy at birth - Male:


2023 Life Expectancy at birth - Female:


Estimated Population:

84,738, December 2023

Unemployment Rate:

3.3%, as at December 2023

Merchandise Imports ($):

+1.1% Jan - Mar 2024 / Jan - Mar 2023

Balance of Payments Current Account Deficit % GDP:

-9.8% of GDP, Dec 2022


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In The News
The total value of the Islands’ importation of goods for the first quarter of 2024 stood at $358.2 million, an increase of 1.1 percent. This growth resulted from the rise in non-petroleum products which was partially offset by the reduced impor... READ MORE
The total value of the Cayman Islands’ importation of goods stood at $1.53 billion for 2023, an increase of 2.0 percent over the previous year. This growth was driven primarily by the increase in non-petroleum imports which amounted to... READ MORE
Grand Cayman, 21 May 2024 - The first quarter inflation rate of 1.5 percent was significantly influenced by a 7.9 percent rise in the education index. This increase was primarily driven by a 10.9 percent rise in the tuition for secondary educat... READ MORE
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