

January 28,2009
The Cayman Islands will hold its first annual Statistics Week February 1-7 READ MORE
December 09,2008
It is time to start getting used to the idea of 'standing up and being counted!' GIS Spotlight is featuring the 2010 READ MORE
November 28,2008
Members of the 2010 Census Advisory Committee gathered yesterday (27 November) READ MORE
November 19,2008
The Cabinet noted last November 18, 2008 the 2008 Semi-Annual Economic Report. READ MORE
October 17,2008
Photo captions Photo by Information Officer Cornelia Olivier. READ MORE
October 15,2008
The Economics & Statistics Office will conduct its semi-annual Labour Force Survey starting Sunday October 12, 2008. READ MORE
October 10,2008
Chamber Quarterly Features Highlights from "Understanding the Consumer Price Index" READ MORE
September 17,2008
The QER compiles all available economic indicators as at end of March 2008 and shows their percentage change since the same quarter in 2007. READ MORE
September 10,2008
The Economics and Statistics Office is pleased to release the June 2008 Consumer Price Index. READ MORE
September 10,2008
The AER Report presents an overview of the following areas READ MORE